Thursday 22 January 2015

3 weeks later

Can't believe we're already coming to the end of January!

3 weeks later, I'm finally alive again (but barely breathing, to be honest). January has been nothing less than hectic thus far, especially with work. But, certainly no complains because...

I just got promoted effective 1st January 2015!
Liz Lemon Yay!
Alhamdulillah. ☺

(Ada luh tu, pembawa rezekinya.. Ahem. Hehehe!)

Take me seriously, I'm not bragging. I'm just really, really, REALLY thankful that my efforts shone through. I worked hard for this and in less than 6 months into this new job, I managed to gain my (now) manager's trust and he eventually took me under his wing. To add to that, he trusted me with a hell lot of the work that he had in hand.

I feel so free, because I'm finally back to working independently - no longer micro-managed in any way.

Ever since I started working full-time at an age as young as 17, I've always worked for employers who trusted me and expected me to be independent. I never liked being spoon-fed in any way, and I guess it's just been the way me and my siblings were brought up at home.

So, whenever I come across a situation where I am micro-managed or forced to work directly under someone's nose, I cringe. And I tend to slack. Yeah, I probably have issues about people not putting their trust in me.

Oh well..

Then again, things happened following that piece of happy news. My colleague who was working closely with me faced some serious issues with the Management, and was asked to leave. On the same day.

I felt that it was a cruel thing to do, but we all know that any organisation would have every right to terminate someone for their own valid reasons. I didn't want to get involved with it too much, but I'm glad I was there for her as a friend.

Even though deep down in my heart, I was afraid that people might hate me for it. (Well, duh! I just got a promotion and they threw her out of the company.. What would people think?) But, ini semua rezeki masing-masing kan? If this is meant for me, it will be.

Insya Allah.

And like they say, life goes on.

With my husband's continuous moral support and words of encouragement, I'm sure to be able to succeed. And just as how my Ummi has continuously supported me through all walks of my life, I'm sure she will continue to support me in any decision I make in time to come.

I am turning 25 in a few months, I am blissfully married, and I pray to have my own beautiful family in the near future. Insya Allah.

Meanwhile, let's keep calm and bersyukur dengan apa yang Allah berikan. Semoga Allah panjangkan umur kami dalam ketaatan kepadaNya, dan semoga Allah memberkati hidup kami sebagai pasangan suami isteri. Fiddunya wal akhirah. ♥
To the love of my life, thank you for always being there.

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