Friday 2 January 2015

Our December

December has been one hell of a busy month for both me and my husband, I'd have to say. While receiving news that my uncle will be getting married this month in KL and with us making arrangements for our trip up there, we were spending a lot of time running errands too.

I'm just so glad and thankful that Hubs is adapting very well at home, considering the fact that he has always been quite nervous (for I don't know what reason) around my family before we got married. And he's been voluntarily helping around the house a lot ever since he moved in.

And ever since we got married and he moved in to stay with me and my family, we do most of the chores together. I mean, that's how it's supposed to be right? You cooperate, and you take turns. You give, as much as you take.

My husband and I generally don't agree with the kuno mindset of "isteri must always buat kerja rumah" or "isteri must always serve husband" - something like that.

Funny how my husband even thinks that some chores are meant to be done by men.
Ohhhh, yes he does!

Anyway, yes, I agree that a wife must always jaga makan minum suami. But a wife has not sinned if she didn't make breakfast for her husband in the morning; a wife has not sinned if she was served her favorite cup of tea brewed by her husband instead of the other way around.

And yes, I agree that a wife must always jaga pakaian suami. But a wife has not sinned if she is too unwell to do the laundry; a wife has not sinned if her husband has to iron his own clothes for that day.

We are all humans and we each have our own weaknesses.

Do not point your fingers or poke your noses at others' marriage when you don't know how yours will end up.
Yupp. As approved by Snoop.

And in case you forgot, let me remind you something:


Thank you very nice.

So, anyway.. Sometimes I get really, really tired and worn out from work and he automatically knows that it will be his turn to iron our clothes for the next day. And sometimes he gets home really late, and I will know that it's my turn to clear the rubbish and vacuum our room (or clean out our rabbit's potty).

We usually have a simple roster we follow, unless one of us gets home late or is really too tired to do anything by the time we get home.

We also have simple rules we follow, especially when it comes to cleanliness. Those who followed me closely on Nak Naik Pelamin would understand a little of how very OCD I am. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't get away with it because..

1. I will nag whenever he starts leaving his laundry in different places across the room
2. I will nag whenever he leaves a mountain of different clothes hanging behind the door
3. I will nag whenever he leaves his football boots all around the bedroom floor
4. I will nag whenever he doesn't clean up his PS controllers after playing with them

But I think he's more or less used to it that he just does the necessary when he thinks it's something I'm about to nag about. It's especially adorable when he cleans up without being reminded and then brag about it to me, expecting me to praise him like a little child.

And of course, I always do. ☺

Apart from the simple rules of cleanliness, we have other rules like:


But look what happened a few days ago?
Here's a close up of MY socks which he wore!
Sometimes, I just don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Then again, he really is just too adorable to get mad at most times. ♥

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