Monday 2 March 2015

Of birthdays and weddings

Alhamdulillah, for yet another fruitful weekend. The last day of February was spent celebrating my brother's birthday. The three of us went to town, where we caught Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen at Plaza Singapura.

The movie was super fuhhhhhhhneeeeeee as hell! There was something to laugh about at every scene.. I wonder how Jack Neo comes up with all these witty plots and punchlines. At the end of the movie though, Hubs made a comment about his success and his cheating and that got me mad. Well, I'm pretty touchy on scandalous cheating topics but let's save that discussion for another day, shall we?

Here are some shots with the birthday boy taken by Hubs!
Oh, and before we went for the movie, we dropped by Singtel. Since I'm already eligible to re-contract and Hubs punya phone decided to die on him (just when he mentioned he wanted to replace his current phone - it always happens), he used this benefit to get himself a new phone.

And guess what this bugger decided on?
The all new Oppo N3! We have watched countless of videos and read so many reviews about this phone and I had already intended to get it. But since his phone is completely hopelessly gone with the wind, he got it first.

The phone only comes in one default color, which is white. Yes, no other color for now. The packaging for the phone was white, and everything on the inside of the packaging was so white and clean. Knowing the kind of person Hubs is, I warned him to take extra care of his new baby! But it's kind of impossible to miss it in your hands as it's quite heavy, weighing about 192 grams.

Anyway, we only had to pay $189 for the upgrade and received quite a few accessories as freebies (while stocks last) along with the purchase of this phone. The gift pack comes with a transparent back casing, a white magnetic flip cover, and a selfie stick which can be transformed into a mini tripod!

Hubs walked out of Singtel a happy man. ☺
After all that jazz, we went for lunch at Pastamania before proceeding for our movie screening at 3.45pm and thereafter, Hubs was whining that he wants to give Llao Llao a try. And so.. We did.

Well, technically, he and my brother did. Call me weird, but I don't take yoghurt. I tried it when I was little and I have never liked it since.
Happy hubby, happy Dee. ♪

And so, we welcomed March attending a wedding at Buangkok Crescent. It was really, really, REALLY hot & humid and I can't imagine what the couple would have been feeling on the dais. (Alhamdulillah, the weather was merciful on my wedding day!)

Either way, of course we had to give the N3 a test drive. Hehehe. Some mentel photos of mentel me and mentel Hubs for you!
Okay luh, not too much else you all will prolly meluat. Hahaha. But either way, let me just say that the quality of the in-built camera is superb! And I have to admit, it's even better than my S5!

Well, the camera on the N3 is a rotating one where the quality of the front and back is exactly the same! Which is, sadly, not the case for my S5. Sedihhhhhh. But come September when it's time for Hubs to have his contract renewed, it's then time for me to ketuk him for an N3 as well! Yahooooooooooo!

And that is basically it for now. I hope you had a weekend as great as mine!

It's only Monday, guys.. Hang in there! Insya Allah. ♥

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